IFPSM Board Members 2024
Chris Oanda, President
KISM - Kenya Institute of Supplies Management
Markku Henttinen, Chief Executive Officer
Cai Jin, Vice-President, Regional Chair of Asia-Pacific
CFLP - China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing
Giovanni Atti, Treasurer
ADACI - Associazione Italiana Acquisti e Supply Management, Italy
Richard Asante-Amoah, Regional Chair of Africa
CISCM - Chartered institute of supply chain management, Ghana
Cesar Leal, Regional Chair of Americas
APROCAL - Asociación de Profesionales en Compras, Abastecimiento y Logistica, A.C., Mexico
Mirela Senica, Regional Chair of Europe
HUND - The Croatian Association of Purchasing, Croatia
Seran Akin
TÜSMOD, Turkiye
Mariusz Geraltowski
PSML - Polish Supply Management Leaders, Poland
Bernard Gracia, Affiliate Member
EIPM - The European Institute of Purchasing Management
Dannies Ho
IPSHK - The Institute of Purchasing & Supply of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jeroen Hulsman
NEVI, the Netherlands
Jean-Luc Baras
CNA - Conseil National des Achats, France
Lehtimäki Janne
LOGY - The Finnish Association of Purchasing and Logistics LOGY ry, Finland
Melnikov Helena
BME - The Association for Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Logistics, Germany
Galuh Tantri Narindra
IAPI - Indonesian Procurement Professional Association, Indonesia
Charlie Villasenor
PASIA - Procurement and Supply Institute Of Asia Inc, Philippines
Gil Zefoni
IPLMA - Israeli Purchasing and Logistics Society, Israel
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